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Conference Reports at PHYSOR2018 in Cancun
2018-04-27  []

From April 22 to April 26, 2018, four members of the SARAX team of XI’AN JIAOTONG University NECP Lab. participated in the PHYSOR2018 International Conference. Associate Professors Youqi Zheng, Dr. Chenghui Wan, PhD student Xia’nan Du, and master student Zi’an Zhai made their respective conference reports and organized a workshop that introduced the SARAX code system.


The theme of the conference was: Reactor Physics Paving the Way Towards More Efficient Systems, divided into 10 Technical Sessions and 5 Special Sessions, sponsored by the American Nuclear Society ANS. The participating research institutions and personnel are from 37 countries and regions including China, the United States, Britain, South Korea, Japan, Finland, Mexico and so on.
Associate Professor Youqi Zheng made a speech entitled "RECENT PROGRESS AND VALIDATION OF SARAX FOR SODIUM FAST REACTOR" in the special sessions 5: Fast Reactors session. It showed the progress of the SARAX program for the calculation of the sodium-cooled fast reactor and related results.
Dr. Wan Chenghui made a report titled “Code Validation based on the Technique of Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis” in the special sessions 3: Uncertainty Analysis Reduced Order Modeling session, demonstrating the validation results of the SARAX program based on sensitivity and uncertainty analysis.
Dr. Du Xia’nan gave a report titled "Solution of OECD/NEA SFRs benchmark using SARAX code system: Transient Analysis" at the track 8: Transient and Safety Analysis branch. It showed the research progress and performance of the SARAX program in transient calculations.
Master student Zi’an Zhai made a report titled “Validation of SARAX Code System Using JOYO MK-I Core Experiments” at the track 1: Reactor Analysis Methods session, and presented the results of the SARAX program on JOYO MK-I Core Experiments.

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Add: No. 28 xianning west road, xi 'an, shaanxi 710049, China

Tel: +86-29-82668692

E-mail: yqzheng@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

cc to: zheng.youqi@qq.com

Address: No. 28 xianning west road, xi 'an, shaanxi      Province: 710049

Copyright:  XI’AN JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY_Nuclear Engineering Computational Physics Lab.